Zhao, B., Song, J.H., Brongersma, M., and Fan, S., 2021, “Atomic-Scale Control of Coherent Thermal Radiation,” ACS Photonics, Vol. 8, p. 872. [PDF]
Zhao, B.*, Guo, C.*, Garcia, C., Narang, P., and Fan, S., 2020, “Axion-Field-Enabled Nonreciprocal Thermal Radiation in Weyl Semimetals,” Nano Letters, Vol. 20, pp. 1923−1927. *Equal contribution. [PDF]
Zhao, B.^ and Fan, S.^, 2020, “Chemical Potential of Photons and Its Implications For Controlling Radiative Heat Transfer,” [Invited] Annual Review of Heat Transfer, Chapter 10. . ^Corresponding author.
Bhatt, G.R., Zhao, B., Roberts, S., Datta, I., Mohanty, A., Lin, T., Hartmann, J., St-Gelais, R., Fan, S., and Lipson, M., 2020, “Integrated Near-Field Thermo-Photovoltaics for On-Demand Heat Recycling,” Nature Communications, Vol. 11, p. 2545. [PDF]
Guo, C., Zhao, B., Huang, D., and Fan, S., 2020, “Radiative Thermal Router Based on Tunable Magnetic Weyl Semimetals,” ACS Photonics, Vol. 7, p. 3257. [PDF]
Asadchy, V., Guo, C., Zhao, B., and Fan, S., 2020, “Sub-Wavelength Passive Optical Isolators Using Photonic Structures Based on Weyl Semimetals,” Advanced Optical Materials, p.2000100. [PDF]
Santhanam, P., Li, W., Zhao, B., Rogers, C., Gray, D., Jahelka, P., Atwater, H., and Fan, S., 2020, “Controlling the Dopant Profile for SRH Suppression at Low Current Densities in λ ≈ 1330 nm GaInAsP Light-Emitting Diodes,” Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 116, p. 203503. [PDF]
Fan, L., Guo, Y., Papadakis, G., Zhao, B., Zhao, Z., Buddhiraju, S., Orenstein, M., and Fan, S., 2020, “Nonreciprocal Radiative Heat Transfer Between Two Planar Bodies,” Physical Review B, Vol. 101, pp. 085407. [PDF]
Papadakis, G., Buddhiraju, S., Zhao, Z., Zhao, B., and Fan, S., 2020, “Broadening Near-Field Emission for Performance Enhancement in Thermophotovoltaics,” Nano Letters, Vol. 20, pp. 1654−1661. [PDF]
Zhao, B.^, Shi, Y., Wang, J., Zhao, Z., Zhao, N., and Fan, S.^, 2019, “Near-Complete Violation of Kirchhoff’s Law of Thermal Radiation with a 0.3 T Magnetic Field,” Optics Letters, Vol. 44, No. 17. ^Corresponding author. [PDF]
Zhao, B., Buddhiraju, S., Santhanam, P., Chen, K., and Fan, S., 2019, “Self-Sustaining Thermophotonic Circuits,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Vol. 116, No. 24. [PDF]
Ono, M., Santhanam, P., Li, W., Zhao, B., and Fan, S., 2019, “Experimental Demonstration of Energy Harvesting from The Sky Using The Negative Illumination Effect of a Semiconductor Photodiode,” Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 114, p. 161102. [PDF] [Highlighted by Applied Physics Letters]
Zhao, N., Zhao, Z., Williamson, I., Boutami, S., Zhao, B., and Fan, S., 2019, “High Reflection from a One-Dimensional Array of Graphene Nanoribbons,” ACS Photonics, Vol. 6, pp. 339-344. [PDF]
Papadakis, G., Zhao, B., Buddhiraju, S., and Fan, S., 2019, “Gate-Tunable Near-Field Heat Transfer,” ACS Photonics, Vol. 6, pp. 709-719. [PDF]
Zhao, B., Santhanam, P., Chen, K., Buddhiraju, S., and Fan, S., 2018, “Near-Field Thermophotonic Systems for Low-Grade Waste-Heat Recovery,” Nano Letters, Vol. 18, pp. 5224-5230. [PDF] [Reported by Nature Photonics]
Chen, K., Zhao, B., and Fan, S., 2018, “MESH: A Free Electromagnetic Solver for Far-Field and Near-Field Radiative Heat Transfer for Layered Periodic Structures,” Computer Physics Communications, Vol. 231, pp. 163-172. [PDF]
Zhao, B., Chen, K., Buddhiraju, S., Bhatt, G., Lipson, M., and Fan, S., 2017, “High-Performance Near-Field Thermophotovoltaics for Waste Heat Recovery,” Nano Energy, Vol. 41, p. 344. [PDF]
Zhao, B.^, Guizal B., Zhang Z. M., Fan S., and Antezza M.^, 2017, “Near-field Heat Transfer Between Graphene/hBN Multilayers,” Physical Review B, Vol. 95, p. 245437. ^Corresponding author. [PDF]
Zhao, B.^, and Zhang, Z.M.^, 2017, “Resonance Perfect Absorption by Exciting Hyperbolic Phonon Polaritons in 1D hBN Gratings,” Optics Express, Vol. 25, p. 7791. ^Corresponding author. [PDF]
Zhao, B., and Zhang, Z.M., 2017, “Perfect Absorption with Trapezoidal Gratings Made of Natural Hyperbolic Materials,” Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering, Vol. 21, p. 123. [Selected as the cover of the issue] [PDF]
Zhao, B., and Zhang, Z.M., 2017, “Perfect Mid-Infrared Absorption by Hybrid Phonon-Plasmon Polaritons in hBN/Metal-Grating Anisotropic Structures,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 106, p. 1025. [PDF]
Zhao, B., and Zhang, Z.M., 2017, “Enhanced Photon Tunneling by Surface Plasmon-Phonon Polaritons in Graphene/hBN Heterostructures,” ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 139, p. 022701. [PDF]
Watjen, J.I., Liu, X.L., Zhao, B., and Zhang, Z.M., 2016, “A Computational Simulation of Using Tungsten Gratings in Near-Field Thermophotovoltaic Devices,” ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 139, p. 052704. [PDF]
Watjen, J.I.*, Zhao, B.*, and Zhang, Z.M., 2016, “Near-field Radiative Heat Transfer Between Doped-Si Parallel Plates Separated by a Spacing down to 200 nm,” Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 109, p. 203112. *Equal contribution. [PDF]
Zhao, B., Skurai, A., and Zhang, Z.M., 2015, “Polarization Dependence of the Reflectance and Transmittance of Anisotropic Metamaterials,” Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, Vol. 30, pp. 240-246. [PDF]
Zhao, B., and Zhang, Z.M., 2015, “Strong Plasmonic Coupling Between Graphene Ribbon Array and Metal Gratings,” ACS Photonics, Vol. 2, pp. 1611-1618. [PDF]
Liu, X.L., Zhao, B., and Zhang, Z.M., 2015, “Enhanced Near-Field Thermal Radiation and Reduced Casimir Stiction Between Doped-Si Gratings,” Physical Review A, Vol. 91, p. 062510. [PDF]
Zhao, B., Zhao, J.M., and Zhang, Z.M., 2015, “Resonance Enhanced Absorption in a Graphene Monolayer by Using Deep Metal Gratings,” Journal of the Optical Society of America B, Vol. 32, pp. 1176-1185. [OSA Publishing Top Downloads in June 2015] [PDF]
Sakurai, A., Zhao, B., and Zhang, Z.M., 2015, “Effect of Polarization on Dual-Band Infrared Metamaterial Emitters or Absorbers,” Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, Vol.158, pp. 111-118. [PDF]
Liu, X.L., Zhao, B., and Zhang, Z.M., 2015, “Blocking-Assisted Infrared Transmission of Subwavelength Metallic Gratings by Graphene,” Journal of Optics, Vol. 17, p. 035004. [PDF]
Sakurai, A., Zhao, B., and Zhang, Z.M., 2014, “Resonant Frequency and Bandwidth of Metamaterial Emitters and Absorbers Predicted by an RLC Circuit Model,” Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, Vol. 149, pp. 33-40. [PDF]
Zhao, B., Zhao, J.M., and Zhang, Z.M., 2014, “Enhancement of Near-Infrared Absorption in Graphene with Metal Gratings,” Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 105, p. 031905-1/4. [PDF] [ESI Highly Cited Paper]
Zhao, B., and Zhang, Z.M., 2014, “Study of Magnetic Polaritons in Deep Gratings for Thermal Emission Control,” Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, Vol. 135, pp. 81-89. [Heat Transfer Best Poster Award at the 2013 IMECE] [PDF]
Zhao, B., Wang, L.P., Shuai, Y., and Zhang, Z.M., 2013, “Thermophotovoltaic Emitters Based on a Two-Dimensional Grating/Thin-Film Nanostructure,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 67, pp. 637-645. [PDF] [ESI Highly Cited Paper]
Liu, X.L., Zhao, B., and Zhang, Z.M., 2013, “Wide-Angle Near-Infrared Polarizer with Extremely High Extinction Ratio,” Optics Express, Vol. 21, pp. 10502–10510. [PDF]